Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np

from ..debugging import DebugPlot
from ..generic.signal import find_phase, find_extrema_and_prominence, spectrum_fourier, spectrum_bins_by_length,\
    hires_power_spectrum, vertical_mean, horizontal_mean, normalize, threshold_outliers, find_insides, one_every_n,\
    hamming_smooth, each_image_slice
from .cell_detection import Cells
from ..generic.etc import NotReallyATree
from ..generic.tunable import tunable

[docs]class Channel(object): """ :param image: :param left: :param right: :param top: :param bottom: """ cells_type = Cells __slots__ = ['image', 'left', 'right', 'real_top', 'real_bottom', 'putative_orientation', 'cells', 'channel_image'] def __init__(self, image, left, right, top, bottom): self.image = image self.left = float(left) self.right = float(right) self.real_top = float(top) self.real_bottom = float(bottom) self.putative_orientation = 0 self.cells = None if self.image.image is not None: self.channel_image = self.crop_out_of_image(self.image.image) @property def top(self): """ :return: """ return self.real_top + self.image.shift[0] @property def bottom(self): """ :return: """ return self.real_bottom + self.image.shift[0] @property def centroid(self): """ :return: """ return (self.left + self.right) / 2, ( + self.bottom) / 2
[docs] def crop_out_of_image(self, image): """ :param image: :return: """ return image[int(self.real_top):int(self.real_bottom), int(self.left):int(self.right)].copy()
[docs] def get_coordinates(self): """ :return: """ return [[self.left, self.bottom], [self.right, self.bottom], [self.right,], [self.left,], [self.left, self.bottom]]
[docs] def detect_cells(self): """ Performs Cell detection (by instantiating a Cells object). """ self.cells = self.__class__.cells_type(self)
[docs] def clean(self): """ Peforms clean up routines. """ self.cells.clean() if not self.image.keep_channel_image: self.channel_image = None
treeprovider = NotReallyATree # treeprovider = KDTree # treeprovider = ckdtree.cKDTree
[docs]class Channels(object): """ docstring """ __slots__ = ['channels_list', 'image', 'nearest_tree'] channel_type = Channel def __init__(self, image, bootstrap=True): self.channels_list = [] self.image = image self.nearest_tree = None if not bootstrap: return find_channels_function = find_channels if hasattr(self.image, 'find_channels_function'): find_channels_function = self.image.find_channels_function positions, (upper, lower) = find_channels_function(self.image.image) for begin, end in positions: self.channels_list.append(self.__class__.channel_type(self.image, begin, end, upper, lower)) def __len__(self): return len(self.channels_list) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.channels_list)
[docs] def clean(self): """ Performs clean up routines. """ for channel in self: channel.clean()
@property def centroids(self): """ :return: """ return [chan.centroid for chan in self]
[docs] def find_nearest(self, pos): """ :param pos: :return: """ if self.nearest_tree is None: self.nearest_tree = treeprovider(self.centroids) return self.nearest_tree.query(pos)
[docs] def align_with_and_return_indices(self, other_channels): """ :param other_channels: :return: """ if len(other_channels) == 0 or len(self) == 0: return [] return [[ind, other_channels.find_nearest(cen)[1]] for ind, cen in enumerate(self.centroids)]
[docs]def horizontal_channel_detection(image): """ @param image: @return: """ # nothing found is a helper variable, which will be returned in case. nothing_found = ([], 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, ) profile = horizontal_mean(image) profile_diff = np.diff(profile) upper_profile = +(profile_diff * (profile_diff > 0)) lower_profile = -(profile_diff * (profile_diff < 0)) upper_profile[ upper_profile < upper_profile.max() * tunable( 'channels.horizontal.noise_suppression_range.upper', 0.5, description="For channel detection, upper profile, noise reduction, reduction range." ) ] *= tunable('channels.horizontal.noise_suppression_factor.upper', 0.1, description="For channel detection, upper profile, noise reduction, reduction factor.") lower_profile[ lower_profile < lower_profile.max() * tunable('channels.horizontal.noise_suppression_range.lower', 0.5, description="For channel detection, lower profile, noise reduction, reduction range.") ] *= tunable('channels.horizontal.noise_suppression_factor.lower', 0.1, description="For channel detection, lower profile, noise reduction, reduction factor.") with DebugPlot('channel_detection', 'details', 'differences') as p: p.title("Channel detection/Differences") p.plot(upper_profile) p.plot(lower_profile) # oversample the fft n-times n = tunable('channels.horizontal.fft_oversampling', 8, description="For channel detection, FFT oversampling factor.") def calc_bins_freqs_main(the_profile): """ :param the_profile: :return: """ frequencies, fourier_value = hires_power_spectrum(the_profile, oversampling=n) fourier_value = hamming_smooth(fourier_value, tunable('channels.horizontal.fourier_smoothing', 3, description="For channel detection, smoothing width for the spectrum.")) return frequencies, fourier_value, frequencies[np.argmax(fourier_value)] # get the power spectra of the two signals frequencies_upper, fourier_value_upper, mainfrequency_upper = calc_bins_freqs_main(upper_profile) frequencies_lower, fourier_value_lower, mainfrequency_lower = calc_bins_freqs_main(lower_profile) upper_profile = hamming_smooth(upper_profile, tunable('channels.horizontal.profile_smoothing_width.upper', 5, description="For channel detection, upper profile, smoothing window width.")) lower_profile = hamming_smooth(lower_profile, tunable('channels.horizontal.profile_smoothing_width.lower', 5, description="For channel detection, lower profile, smoothing window width.")) with DebugPlot('channel_detection', 'details', 'powerspectra', 'upper') as p: p.title("Powerspectrum (upper)") p.semilogx(frequencies_upper, fourier_value_upper) p.title("main_frequency=%f" % mainfrequency_upper) with DebugPlot('channel_detection', 'details', 'powerspectra', 'lower') as p: p.title("Powerspectrum (lower)") p.semilogx(frequencies_lower, fourier_value_lower) p.title("main_frequency=%f" % mainfrequency_lower) main_frequency = (mainfrequency_upper + mainfrequency_lower) / 2 if main_frequency == 0.0: return nothing_found maximum_channel_count = profile.size / main_frequency allowed_maximum_channel_count = tunable( 'channels.horizontal.channel_count.max', 50, description="For channel detection, maximum allowed channels to be detected.") allowed_minimum_channel_count = tunable( 'channels.horizontal.channel_count.min', 3, description="For channel detection, minimum allowed channels to be detected.") if maximum_channel_count > allowed_maximum_channel_count or maximum_channel_count < allowed_minimum_channel_count: return nothing_found profile_diff_len = profile_diff.size absolute_differentiated_profile = np.absolute(profile_diff) width, = find_phase(upper_profile, lower_profile) if width > main_frequency: width = int(width % main_frequency) elif width < 0: width = int(width + main_frequency * np.ceil(abs(width / main_frequency))) main_frequency += (width / (profile_diff_len / main_frequency)) preliminary_signal = \ one_every_n(profile_diff_len, main_frequency) + one_every_n(profile_diff_len, main_frequency, shift=width) temporary_signal = np.zeros_like(absolute_differentiated_profile) temporary_extrema = find_extrema_and_prominence(absolute_differentiated_profile, order=max(1, abs(width // 2))) temporary_signal[temporary_extrema.maxima] = 1 phase, = find_phase(temporary_signal, preliminary_signal) new_signal = \ one_every_n(profile_diff_len, main_frequency, shift=phase + 0.5 * width) + \ one_every_n(profile_diff_len, main_frequency, shift=phase + 1.5 * width) # dependence on 'new_signal' removed, works apparently without help_signal = normalize(hamming_smooth(absolute_differentiated_profile, 50)) # * new_signal # under certain conditions, the help signal may contain a totally extreme # maximum (test image), I guess it's wiser to remove it help_signal = threshold_outliers(help_signal) threshold_factor = tunable('channels.horizontal.threshold_factor', 0.2, description="For channel detection, threshold factor for l/r border determination.") min_val, max_val = help_signal.min(), help_signal.max() help_signal = help_signal > (max_val - min_val) * threshold_factor + min_val remaining_phase_shift, = find_phase(new_signal, absolute_differentiated_profile) new_signal = \ one_every_n(profile_diff_len, main_frequency, shift=remaining_phase_shift + phase + 0.5 * width) + \ one_every_n(profile_diff_len, main_frequency, shift=remaining_phase_shift + phase + 1.5 * width) try: left = np.where(help_signal)[0][0] except IndexError: left = 0 try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences right = help_signal.size - np.where(help_signal[::-1])[0][0] except IndexError: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences right = help_signal.size left, right = int(left), int(right) new_signal[:left] = 0 new_signal[right:] = 0 positions, = np.where(new_signal) if len(positions) % 2 == 1: # either there's an additional line on the left or on the right # lets try to find it ... if abs(abs(positions[-1] - positions[-2]) - width) < 1: positions = positions[1:] elif abs(abs(positions[0] - positions[1]) - width) < 1: positions = positions[:-1] else: return nothing_found positions = positions.reshape((len(positions) // 2, 2)) times = int((right - left) / main_frequency) # we worked with a simple difference, which made our signal shorter by one # add 1 to the appropriate variables to match positions with the original image positions += 1 left, right = left + 1, right + 1 return positions, left, right, width, times, main_frequency,
# TODO fix the proper one, or merge them, or document this here, or use just the new one
[docs]def alternate_vertical_channel_region_detection(image): """ :param image: :return: """ f = spectrum_bins_by_length(image.shape[1]) ft_h_s = tunable('channels.vertical.alternate.fft_smoothing_width', 3, description="For channel detection (alternate, vertical), spectrum smoothing width.") def horizontal_mean_frequency(img_frag, clean_around=None, clean_width=0.0): """ :param img_frag: :param clean_around: :param clean_width: :return: """ ft = np.absolute(spectrum_fourier(horizontal_mean(img_frag))) ft /= 0.5 * ft[0] ft[0] = 0 ft = hamming_smooth(ft, ft_h_s) if clean_around: ft[np.absolute(f - clean_around) > clean_width] = 0.0 return ft.max(), f[np.argmax(ft)] split_factor = tunable('channels.vertical.alternate.split_factor', 60, description="For channel detection (alternate, vertical), split factor.") collector = np.zeros(image.shape[0]) for n, the_step, image_slice in each_image_slice(image, split_factor, direction='horizontal'): power_local_f, local_f = horizontal_mean_frequency(image_slice) collector[n*the_step:(n+1)*the_step] = local_f np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) # print(collector) int_collector = collector.astype(np.int32) if (int_collector == 0).all(): warnings.warn( "Apparently no channel region was detectable. If the images are flipped, try filename?rotate=<90|270>", RuntimeWarning ) return 0, len(int_collector) bins = np.bincount(int_collector) winner = np.argmax(bins[1:]) + 1 delta = tunable('', 5, description="For channel detection (alternate, vertical), acceptable delta.") collector = (np.absolute(int_collector - winner) < delta) | (np.absolute(int_collector - 2*winner) < delta) return sorted(find_insides(collector), key=lambda pair: pair[1] - pair[0], reverse=True)[0]
[docs]def vertical_channel_region_detection(image): """ :param image: :return: """ f = spectrum_bins_by_length(image.shape[1]) ft_h_s = tunable('channels.vertical.recursive.fft_smoothing_width', 3, description="For channel detection (recursive, vertical), spectrum smoothing width.") def horizontal_mean_frequency(img_frag, clean_around=None, clean_width=0.0): """ :param img_frag: :param clean_around: :param clean_width: :return: """ ft = np.absolute(spectrum_fourier(horizontal_mean(img_frag))) ft /= 0.5 * ft[0] ft[0] = 0 ft = hamming_smooth(ft, ft_h_s) if clean_around: ft[np.absolute(f - clean_around) > clean_width] = 0.0 return ft.max(), f[np.argmax(ft)] power_overall_f, overall_f = horizontal_mean_frequency(image) d = tunable('channels.vertical.recursive.maximum_delta', 2.0, description="For channel detection (recursive, vertical), maximum delta.") power_min_quotient = tunable('channels.vertical.recursive.power_min_quotient', 0.005, description="For channel detection (recursive, vertical), minimum power quotient") break_condition = tunable('channels.vertical.recursive.break_condition', 2.0, description="For channel detection (recursive, vertical), recursive break condition.") current_clean_width = overall_f / 2.0 def matches(img_frag): """ :param img_frag: :return: """ power_local_f, local_f = horizontal_mean_frequency( img_frag, clean_around=overall_f, clean_width=current_clean_width) return (abs(overall_f - local_f) < d) and ((power_local_f / power_overall_f) > power_min_quotient) height = image.shape[0] collector = np.zeros(height) def recursive_check(top, bottom, orientation=FIRST_CALL): """ :param top: :param bottom: :param orientation: :return: """ if (bottom - top) < break_condition: return mid = (top + bottom) // 2 upper = matches(image[top:mid, :]) lower = matches(image[mid:bottom, :]) collector[top:mid] = upper collector[mid:bottom] = lower if orientation is FIRST_CALL: if upper: recursive_check(top, mid, FROM_TOP) if lower: recursive_check(mid, bottom, 1) elif orientation is FROM_TOP: if upper and lower: recursive_check(top, mid, FROM_TOP) elif not upper and lower: recursive_check(mid, bottom, FROM_TOP) elif orientation is FROM_BOTTOM: if lower and upper: recursive_check(mid, bottom, FROM_BOTTOM) elif not lower and upper: recursive_check(top, mid, FROM_BOTTOM) recursive_check(0, height) return sorted(find_insides(collector), key=lambda pair: pair[1] - pair[0], reverse=True)[0]
[docs]def find_channels(image): """ channel finder :param image: :return: """ method_to_use = tunable( 'channels.vertical.method', 'alternate', description="For channel detection, vertical method to use (either alternate or recursive).") if method_to_use == 'alternate': upper, lower = alternate_vertical_channel_region_detection(image) elif method_to_use == 'recursive': upper, lower = vertical_channel_region_detection(image) else: raise RuntimeError("Tunable set to unsupported vertical channel detection method.") profile = horizontal_mean(image) with DebugPlot('channel_detection', 'details', 'overview', 'horizontal') as p: p.title("Basic horizontal overview") p.plot(profile) with DebugPlot('channel_detection', 'details', 'overview', 'vertical') as p: p.title("Basic vertical overview") p.plot(vertical_mean(image)) positions, left, right, width, times, mainfreq = horizontal_channel_detection(image[upper:lower, :]) return positions, (upper, lower)