Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

from ..generic.tunable import tunable

import numpy as np

[docs]def iterate_over_cells(cells): """ :param cells: :return: """ collector = [] def _rec(another_cell): collector.append(another_cell) for yet_another_cell in another_cell.children: _rec(yet_another_cell) for a_cell in cells: _rec(a_cell) # for reproducible results, sort the cells collector = sorted(collector, key=lambda cell: (cell.seen_as[0].channel.image.timepoint, cell.seen_as[0].local_top)) return collector
[docs]def tracker_to_cell_list(tracker): """ :param tracker: :return: """ return iterate_over_cells(
[docs]def s_to_h(s): """ converts seconds to hours :param s: seconds :return: hours """ return s / (60.0 * 60.0)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def s_to_h_str(s, *args, **kwargs): """ converts seconds to hours as a rounded string :param s: seconds :return: hours :param s: seconds :return: hours string """ return ("%.2f" % (s_to_h(s),)).replace('.00', '')
[docs]def catch_index_error(what, otherwise): """ runs callable 'what' and catches IndexErrors, returning 'otherwise' if one occurred :param what: callable :param otherwise: alternate result in case of IndexError :return: result of 'what' or 'otherwise' in case of IndexError """ try: return what() except IndexError: return otherwise
[docs]def catch_attribute_error(what, otherwise): """ runs callable 'what' and catches AttributeError, returning 'otherwise' if one occurred :param what: callable :param otherwise: alternate result in case of IndexError :return: result of 'what' or 'otherwise' in case of IndexError """ try: return what() except AttributeError: return otherwise
[docs]def plot_timeline(p, channels, cells, figure_presetup=None, figure_finished=None, show_images=True, show_overlay=True, leave_open=False): """ :param p: :param channels: :param cells: :param figure_presetup: :param figure_finished: :param show_images: :param show_overlay: :param leave_open: """ from ..debugging.debugplot import poly_drawing_helper import matplotlib.colors colors = list(matplotlib.colors.cnames.keys()) time_points = np.sort([cc.image.timepoint for cc in channels]) channels_per_inch = 5.0 p.rcParams.update({ 'figure.figsize': (len(time_points) / channels_per_inch, 4.0), 'figure.dpi': 150, '': 0.8, 'figure.subplot.bottom': 0.2, 'figure.subplot.left': 0.2, 'figure.subplot.right': 0.8 }) p.figure() if figure_presetup: figure_presetup(p) min_h = float('inf') max_h = 0 for cc in channels: time_point = cc.image.timepoint bs = np.searchsorted(time_points, time_point, side='right') ne = time_points[bs] if 0 <= bs < len(time_points) else time_point pre = time_points[bs - 2] if 0 <= bs - 2 < len(time_points) else time_point left = max(0.0, time_point - abs(time_point - pre) / 2.0) right = min(time_points[-1], time_point + abs(ne - time_point) / 2.0) if show_images: channel_image_data = getattr(cc, 'channel_image', None) if channel_image_data is not None: p.imshow(channel_image_data, extent=(left, right,, cc.bottom), origin='lower', cmap='gray', zorder=1.1) if cc.bottom > max_h: max_h = cc.bottom if < min_h: min_h = if show_overlay: for cell in cc.cells: coords = [[left, cell.bottom], [right, cell.bottom], [right,], [left,], [left, cell.bottom]] poly_drawing_helper(p, coords, lw=0, edgecolor='r', facecolor='white', fill=True, alpha=0.25, zorder=1.2) p.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(p.FuncFormatter(s_to_h_str)) p.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(p.MultipleLocator(60.0 * 60.0 * 1)) p.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(p.MultipleLocator(60.0 * 60.0 * 0.25)) p.xlabel("Experiment Time [h]") p.ylabel("y [Pixel]") p.gca().set_aspect('auto') p.gca().set_autoscale_on(True) p.xlim(time_points[0], time_points[-1]) p.ylim(min_h, max_h) p.tight_layout() if show_overlay: time_format_str = '#%0' + str(int(np.log10(len(time_points))) + 1) + 'd' + ' ' \ + '%0' + str(int(np.log10(time_points[-1])) + 1) + '.2fs' for n, time_point in enumerate(time_points): p.text(time_point, -max_h * 0.25, time_format_str % (n + 1, time_point), rotation=90, verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', size=2.85) needed_length = sum(len(cell.seen_as) for cell in cells) + len(cells) scatter_collector = np.zeros((needed_length, 5), dtype=np.float32) # type, x, y, fluor, length scatter_used = 0 # constants pos_type, pos_time_point, pos_centroid, pos_length, pos_fluorescence_start = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 type_nothing, type_start, type_stop, type_junction = 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 np.random.seed(tunable('colors.visualization.track.random.seed', 3141592653, description="Random seed for tracking visualization.")) for cell in cells: old_scatter_used = scatter_used if cell.parent is not None: parent_cell = cell.parent.seen_as[-1] scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_type] = type_nothing scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_time_point] = scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_centroid] = parent_cell.centroid_1d # TODO different visualization? scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_length] = parent_cell.length scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_fluorescence_start] = \ catch_index_error(lambda: getattr(parent_cell, 'fluorescences', [0.0])[0], 0.0) scatter_used += 1 last_cell_number = len(cell.seen_as) - 1 for nc, cell_appearance in enumerate(cell.seen_as): if nc == 0 and cell.parent is None: the_type = type_start elif nc == last_cell_number: the_type = type_junction if len(cell.children) > 0 else type_stop else: the_type = type_nothing scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_type] = the_type scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_time_point] = scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_centroid] = cell_appearance.centroid_1d scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_length] = cell_appearance.length scatter_collector[scatter_used, pos_fluorescence_start] = \ catch_index_error(lambda: getattr(cell_appearance, 'fluorescences', [0.0])[0], 0.0) scatter_used += 1 color = tunable('colors.visualization.track.color', '#005B82', description="Track color for visualization.") color_alpha = tunable('colors.visualization.track.alpha', 0.3, description="Track alpha for visualization.") if tunable('colors.visualization.track.random', 1, description="Randomize tracking color palette?") == 1: color = colors[np.random.randint(0, len(colors))] if show_overlay: slice_of_interest = scatter_collector[old_scatter_used:scatter_used, :] p.plot( slice_of_interest[:, pos_time_point], slice_of_interest[:, pos_centroid], marker=None, lw=0.5, c=color, zorder=1.4) # marker='o', markersize=0.1 p.fill_between( slice_of_interest[:, pos_time_point], slice_of_interest[:, pos_centroid] - 0.5 * slice_of_interest[:, pos_length], slice_of_interest[:, pos_centroid] + 0.5 * slice_of_interest[:, pos_length], lw=0, alpha=color_alpha, facecolor=color, zorder=1.3) scatter_collector = scatter_collector[:scatter_used, :] has_fluorescence = not (scatter_collector[:, pos_fluorescence_start] == 0.0).all() if show_overlay: starts = scatter_collector[scatter_collector[:, pos_type] == type_start, :] stops = scatter_collector[scatter_collector[:, pos_type] == type_stop, :] junctions = scatter_collector[scatter_collector[:, pos_type] == type_junction, :] p.scatter(starts[:, pos_time_point], starts[:, pos_centroid], c='green', s=10, marker='>', lw=0, zorder=1.5) p.scatter(stops[:, pos_time_point], stops[:, pos_centroid], c='red', s=10, marker='8', lw=0, zorder=1.5) p.scatter(junctions[:, pos_time_point], junctions[:, pos_centroid], c='blue', s=10, marker='D', lw=0, zorder=1.5) if has_fluorescence: sc = p.scatter(scatter_collector[:, pos_time_point], scatter_collector[:, pos_centroid], c=scatter_collector[:, pos_fluorescence_start], s=5, cmap='jet', lw=0, zorder=10.0) p.colorbar(sc) else: p.scatter(scatter_collector[:, pos_time_point], scatter_collector[:, pos_centroid], s=5, lw=0, zorder=10.0) if figure_finished: figure_finished(p) if not leave_open: p.close('all')
_unique_id_cache = {} _unique_id_value = 1
[docs]def get_object_unique_id(obj): """ :param obj: :return: """ global _unique_id_cache, _unique_id_value if obj is None: return 0 if id(obj) not in _unique_id_cache: _unique_id_cache[id(obj)] = _unique_id_value _unique_id_value += 1 return _unique_id_cache[id(obj)]
[docs]def analyze_tracking(cells, receptor, meta=None): """ :param meta: :param cells: :param receptor: """ for cell in cells: for sn, sa in enumerate(cell.seen_as): tmp = { 'cell_age': s_to_h( - cell.seen_as[0].channel.image.timepoint), 'elongation_rate': catch_index_error(lambda: cell.raw_elongation_rates[sn], float('NaN')), 'length':, 'uid_track': get_object_unique_id(cell.ultimate_parent), 'uid_thiscell': get_object_unique_id(sa), 'uid_cell': get_object_unique_id(cell), # None has an id ! 'uid_parent': get_object_unique_id(cell.parent), 'timepoint':, 'timepoint_num':, 'cellyposition': sa.centroid_1d, 'cellxposition': ( +, 'multipoint':, 'meta': str(meta) if meta else '', 'channel_in_multipoint':, 'channel_average_cells': cell.tracker.average_cells, 'channel_orientation':, 'channel_width': -, 'about_to_divide': int( ((sn + 1) == len(cell.seen_as)) and (cell.parent is not None) and (len(cell.children) > 0) ), 'division_age': catch_index_error( lambda: s_to_h( cell.children[0].seen_as[0].channel.image.timepoint - cell.seen_as[0].channel.image.timepoint ), float('NaN')), 'fluorescence_count': len(getattr(sa, 'fluorescences', [])) } for f in range(len(getattr(sa, 'fluorescences', []))): tmp['fluorescence_' + str(f)] = sa.fluorescences[f] tmp['fluorescence_raw_' + str(f)] = sa.fluorescences_raw[f] tmp['fluorescence_std_' + str(f)] = sa.fluorescences_std[f] tmp['fluorescence_raw_min_' + str(f)] = catch_attribute_error(lambda: sa.fluorescences_min[f], float('NaN')) tmp['fluorescence_raw_max_' + str(f)] = catch_attribute_error(lambda: sa.fluorescences_max[f], float('NaN')) tmp['fluorescence_raw_median_' + str(f)] = catch_attribute_error(lambda: sa.fluorescences_median[f], float('NaN')) tmp['fluorescence_background_' + str(f)] =[f] receptor(tmp)